Do you run an open windrow compost facility? If yes, discover CompostManager
If you run an open windrow compost facility, you will need CompostManager. It can assist with increasing production whilst reducing production costs and ensuring you comply with the latest legislation including the Industrial Emissions Directive.
This easy-to-use compost management tool removes the guesswork out of aerobic composting and compost oxygen measurements by analysing temperature, moisture, oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, and provides the user with clear instructions to optimise the composting process.
With the use of our compost management tool, each windrow can be individually analysed and then instructions are provided to help maximise the efficiency of the composting process.
CompostManager has the capacity to:
Reduce the impact of odour emissions.
Increase the production by reducing composting times.
Reduce your production costs.
Comply with BAT36 for waste treatments and reports.
Accurately record data meeting PAS100 requirement.
"With the introduction of the CompostManager system, it has allowed us total control over the compost process."
"At CompostManager we are committed to developing ways to help improve the composting process, and help simplifying data recording for compliance purposes."
Find out more about CompostManager and speak to a member of our team today to enquire.